Italian Heritage Tours
Discover Italy from the Alps to Sicily.
A dream come true!
About Us
I, Remo Faieta, grew up in Abruzzo, a hilly region east of Rome, by the Adriatic Sea. I earned a Ph.D. degree in foreign languages and taught in colleges in Kansas and Tennessee. For the past many years now I have been living in the Columbus, Ohio, area. After taking my students on educational trips to Europe, but mostly Italy, I discovered how much I love organizing and conducting tours. Soon it became my full time activity and passion.
The specialty of my tours is that not only I take people to see the usual popular Italian tourist places, but, since many of them have family roots in Italy, I take them also to the remote little towns of their ancestors. Together with my wife Eva, I have helped a large number of people reunite with their relatives for the first time. For that purpose, I have tons of literature, detailed maps and Italian phone books. Yes, from the Alps to Sicily I know Italy like the palm of my hand!
I have also organized and conducted many custom-made tours for churches, clubs and family groups. I have always personally and proudly escorted all of my tours.

Remo Faieta and his wife, Eva.
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